After Losing a Child – Happy Birthday Baby!

Laurie’s emails have brought her near again. I am reminded IMG_5677from her today to focus on what IS.  Some quotes from her:




Job 2:10 Shall we accept good from God and not trouble? BSF lesson from Genesis 9 – Are you looking to see God’s glory IMG_5683revealed to you in your trouble as you trust His promises and triumph over circumstances, so that it is not wasted suffering, but suffering with evidence of His resurrection power?




(Mom) You need to trust God to take care of me – He’s never IMG_5676failed yet. …Thanks for always being there for me and caring so much – God wants you to pray for me, but not to be anxious or worry! He really IS in control and has a plan and a purpose for everything!


I read a devotional the other day that we should start the day by thinking about what could go wrong and then ask God to help us react properly or avoid negative things. Seems simple IMG_5681enough but it really helps to actually have thought about how I am going to combat evil or inconvenience or whatever, then I seem to be more prepared and less likely to speak first and think later.


BSF lesson from James 3:17 – look for what God is teaching me not just what he can show me about others


I went to the Laundromat and was glad I had the place to IMG_5678myself. I brought a book to read, but ended up praying most of the time. It sure is a constant battle to keep my attitude right. Sometimes I act like because I am a Christian, whatever I want must be what God wants! How’s that for arrogant!


IMG_0372Ben came home from babysitting for Trish and he is completely exhausted. But I think he will make a great dad someday.





We found a nice used bed without headboard that fits in the mobile home. The blanket storage headboard Doug made years ago works perfectly with it and I can sit in bed and turn on a lamp and read, and then not have to get out of bed to turn out the light. Oh how such little things can be so pleasant!


My hormones were raging yesterday and I could have IMG_0385bawled for an hour over anything. I got out Catherine Marshall’s book Something New and it amazingly totally fits my mood and situation. Got to run – keep praying – –and praising.


We went to see Mary Poppins movie and Aimee pIMG_6045ainted Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious on her wall. It is VERY long, but looks pretty neat. We found some gloves and she has taken to wearing them often. Doug says she is eternally 7!


My boss is gone for a couple of days. Why is it we get more done when they are gone – just like a husband!


I am becoming more like my mother each day (she saw something on clearance she liked and bought all 48 pacIMG_2812kages!). I was SO hungry for a chocolate chip cookie and I knew if I made a whole batch, I would eat them all, so I cut down the recipe and made only 2 cookies!


I found a book at a thrift store called You Gotta Keep Dancin’ – interesting quote “You and I were created for joy, and if we miss it, we miss the reason for our existence…If our joy is honest joy, it must somehow be congruous with human IMG_5779tragedy. This is the test of joy’s integrity: is it compatible with pain? Only the heart that hurt has a right to joy and a reference I really liked was Habakkuk 3:17:19 (it says God sings over you)


Psalm 118:24 – This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. – When you come to the edge of all the light you know, and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, FAITH is knowing one of two things will happen. There will be something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly.


Count the night by stars, not shadows. Count your life by smiles, not tears. And with joy on your birthday, count your age IMG_6146by friends, not years.


We are discouraged only when our situation seems bigger than our God. How big is your God?

I really love you guys and pray for you It’s interesting- one of my closest friends always has trouble praying and believing that it works, but it’s the one thing that I have really seen work. In others, and in me.


AimeeLaurieLaurieKenMontI was on the way to work this morning and the radio wasn’t working so I prayed all the way. Answered prayer – it never gets old!











2 Comments on “After Losing a Child – Happy Birthday Baby!

  1. What a blessing to go over those emails and remember the sweet times you had with your daughter. I guess I should not be so quick to erase things or throw things away. Blessings to you Dee and Ken on this day when you are remembering your sweet daughter.


  2. Laurie’s birthday, what blessings to be able to have her e-mails. My favorite was, don’t worry about me Mom, God has never failed me. I was in Bible Study Fellowship with her years ago and we loved those studies so much!


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