Multitasking or Disconnecting?


I just dropped my IPhone in my soup. I think it might be time to tone down the multitasking. (Emma Watson).DeeEngland2014-1 2922

There is a cost to multitasking disconnect.

You are with someone and chatting. Their phone rings. They answer and suddenly you are ignored. Have you ever felt that way? Have you ever done that to someone else?


Multi-tasking is a common scene today, and even expected in many settings. The definition is to complete several tasks at the same time. It is assumed that all tasks are completed with the same intensity or success, but really? Statistics show that humans are not as smart as we think, and often most or all of multi-tasks are only partly or insufficiently completed. We’ve become a culture satisfied with as-good-as-I-can while doing something else, but – When trying to do more, we accomplish less. (Jeff Goines). Haven’t you experienced being waited on in a store when the phone rings, and suddenly the clerk has lost the focus and is trying to answer the person on the phone, while caring for your service. Neither of you gets full attention and neither action gets completed as satisfactorily as they should.


Most multitasking is an illusion. You think you are getting more done, but in reality you are wasting time switching from one task to another. (Bosco Tjan)


Then there is the social cost of multi-tasking              2181


Loss of friendship is a potential cost of multi-tasking CHOICE. Yes, I did use that word. If I am talking with my friend, half-listening if truth were known, because I am thinking about how I will respond, or worrying about that last text from another friend. The phone dings. I CHOOSE to turn from my in-person friend and look at the text. Then I CHOOSE to read the entire text and think about how to respond to it. The first friend continues to sip their coffee or walk beside, waiting for my return, but they are lost to me. I am now in conversation with the texting friend. Has this happened to you?


If I did that I would have chosen to DISCONNECT with the in-person friend and telling him or her as boldly as if I put up a sign – this text is now the priority – it is more important than whatever you were communicating. When I continue to text and ignore the in-person friend, I am communicating to my in-person friend – this message and person is more important than our friendship, and more important than you.



A bit strong? Most likely we do not mean to convey such painful conclusions, but if you care about your work, BE there, complete each thing thoroughly. When you divide your focus neither gets the full attention it deserves.

When you care about someone, when you are with them BE with them – as much as you like others to listen to you and BE with you!

Gary Keller, in The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results, sums it up with three little words:

“Multitasking is a lie”

Ecclesiastes 4:6 ESV

Better is a handful of quietness than two hands full of toil and a striving after wind.stop

Prov. 7:24 So, friends, listen to me, take these words of mine most seriously.


9 Comments on “Multitasking or Disconnecting?

  1. As a reformed multi-tasker, I look back on earlier years and know why my body, mind, and spirit have shut down from time to time. It not only takes away from that “in person” but yourself. I used to push myself to the edge. Our bodies don’t like that and eventually break down. The adrenals can’t handle all the stress, the brain on overload creates anxiety, and the soul becomes weary and drained. Now, God has taught me through making me rest that one thing at a time is best. Your words ring true, Delores. Now if only more people listened, learned, and trusted the wisdom in them. God calls us to rest in Him.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Amen to that, Sharon! Missionaries visiting us when we were younger, were not amazed (as I’d expected) but alarmed by all I was trying to accomplish and provided opportunities for rest. Like you say, though, it takes humble listening and then practice to trust the wise words, and to rest. Love you and hope someday we will get a chance to spend time together again!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Amen to that, Delores! I don’t see myself attending another writer’s conference for a while, but ours was a divine appointment. The money spent was beyond worth it! I know I will see you in heaven but would be lovely to see you before then.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. As mother of a 20 month old, I know full well the futility of multi-tasking. I find neither home tasks or my son are well attended too. I’m trying to learn a balance. Timely reminder!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A timely reminder. I’m the mother of a 20 month old and my little son can keep me hopping. With needing everything else to get done too, I find myself not giving either the attention they need. I’m working on finding a balance. 🙂 I want to develop lasting relationships with my son and my husband and not slight them. I’ve had that happen myself and know it can be hurtful.


    • Priscella, I recall a time my toddler took my face in her hands and turned me toward her. She wanted my full attention, and it worked, and it woke me up. It was obvious she had already noticed that I was focusing on the next thing while answering her. Just as I pointedly practiced and taught her to have a quiet time and give full attention to God each morning, I realized she needed me to also practice that same respect with her. I find it easier now, to “forgive myself” if I only got one or two things done each day, because I chose people first and gave them my time. That’s when I began doing the last thing first – evaluating the one-two most important things I wanted done when the day ended, then I planned or started dinner first thing).

      Liked by 1 person

      • Here, here. My son hasn’t done that yet, but he certainly lets me know when he’s feeling forgotten. I started doing that too, picking one or two major things that need accomplished during the day and then anything else is just a bonus. 🙂

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